Showing posts with label EKSCTL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EKSCTL. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kubernetes - the container orchestration engine

 What is Kubernetes

I talked about dockers and containers in one of my blogs:

Now let's talk about what is Kubernetes and why do we need it?. 

Containers are fast, reliable, light-weighted, and scalable.

You can easily scale 1 container to many containers but in the real world, there is a need that large organizations will scale multiple containers for an application, needed to ensure availability, load balancing, scaling up, and down based on the load. In such a situation you will need to manage containers like deploying, scheduling, scaling up and down, load balancing, monitoring in some automated way. For this reason, we need a container management tool.

Kubernetes is an opensource container orchestration tool/engine to automate deployment, scale, and manage the containerized application on a group of servers.

Docker is a containerization platform, and Kubernetes is a container management platform.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Deploy microservice in AWS Kubernetes using EKSCTL

In this blog, you will see the magic of eksctl, a simple CLI tool for creating clusters on EKS - Amazon's new managed Kubernetes service for EC2. It is written in Go, and uses CloudFormation.

In my previous blog, we did all the steps manually to deploy the service in AWS Kubernetes using AWS management console with single command. 

Here we will see that all these steps will be done by one single command using eksctl

Lets get started.